How to edit employees phone number in DPP for MFA

ENVIRONMENT: Datto Partner Portal

This article explains how to edit an employee's MFA phone number in the Datto Partner Portal. Employee phone number information, which the Datto Partner Portal uses for login verification, is stored in the Manage Employees section. If an employee's phone number changes, the phone number for that employee in the Datto Partner Portal must change to match the new number.

NOTE  This task requires an Admin role.

To log into the Datto Partner Portal using MFA, all employee accounts must have a valid mobile or desktop telephone number on their record in the Portal. If an employee's phone number changes, the change must be updated in the Portal by an administrator (Admin user).

  1. In the Datto Partner Portal, navigate to Admin > Manage Employees.

  2. Click Edit (the pencil icon) next to the employee whose phone number you want to edit.

  3. In the Edit Employee dialog that opens change the number in the Cell Phone Number field, and then click Save Changes.

Refer to Get started with multifactor authentication for more information.