Account selection when logging in

ENVIRONMENT: Datto Partner Portal

This article describes the workflow when logging into your Datto service account.

When you log into a Datto environment, your experience will vary based on whether you have a single Datto account or multiple accounts.

Single account users

If you use only one Datto service such as Autotask PSA, Datto RMM or Datto SaaS Protection, the system will immediately take you into the service when you log in.

Multiple account users

Users of multiple Datto products will see an account selection screen when logging in. Choose the correct account and then click CONTINUE.

Figure 1: The multi-account selection screen

Datto product-initiated login

User logins initiated from Datto products will be redirected back to the product when login succeeds.

  • This holds true if user has multiple products associated with the same account.
  • If the user has multiple accounts for the same Datto product, the system will redirect them back to the account selection screen.